
Innovativi PER NATURA

Nutraceutica coniuga l’esperienza maturata in oltre vent’anni d’attività e ricerca in ambito nutrizionale e fitoterapico con una costante spinta all’innovazione tecnica e scientifica per offrire materie prime e formulazioni di alta qualità ed elevato valore aggiunto.

Fondata nel 2002, l’azienda è oggi consolidata tra i leader di settore vantando partnership esclusive con fornitori di primissimo piano e un portafoglio di prodotti d’eccellenza che soddisfa al meglio le molteplici e complesse richieste del mercato.

La nostra Mission è offrire un catalogo di ingredienti in costante evoluzione, tutti caratterizzati da tre attributi imprescindibili: qualità, efficacia e sicurezza d’uso. L’offerta commerciale comprende anche un vasto assortimento di materie prime per mangimi e additivi per uso feed.

I nostri servizi

Nutraceutica Innovative by nature

Nutraceutica merges more than 20 years experience in nutraceuticals and phytotherapy with a constant effort at achieving technical and scientific innovation to make high quality and added value ingredients available to its customers.

Founded in 2002, it’s now a leading italian Company in the distribution of raw ingredients for the manufacturing of nutritional supplements, relying on strong exclusive partnerships with worldwide primary suppliers and offering a perfect portfolio of top-quality products matching the special and complex demands from the market.

Nutraceutica’s mission is to help its customers by offering an evolving range of natural ingredients having the three basic features of quality, efficacy and safety; a wide range of feed additives and feed materials is also part of the offer.

Our services

Nutraceutica selects the best products from well established, highly reputed and worldwide located manufacturers, possibly signing long lasting exclusive distribution agreements.

We are strongly committed to the research and development of natural ingredients backed by a robust

scientific rationale; to accomplish this goal we collaborate with several Academic Centers and the other companies of our group SPARKVOS Srl, part of the SONAE Corporate.

We support customers with a highly professional, real-time regulatory, technical and scientific advice and by matching their needs with customized size and weight for virtually all the products in the catalogue; customization takes place in the clean rooms of our brand new, certified packaging facility.

A continuing training and education program is also offered, sharing scientific papers, technical documentation and news on market trends and regulations and also involving the customers in our seminars and courses.

Via della Grafica, 55
40064 Ozzano dell’Emilia (BO)
tel +39 051 929833



Figura 1

Ocimum centraliafricanum, Copper flower, indicatore di giacimenti di rame (5)