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Visualizzazione di 109-120 di 283 risultati
Assessment of nutritional risk factors predisposing to autism among Saudi children
Physicochemical and pasting properties of barley/wheat flour blends and the physical, baking and sensory characteristics of cakes
Nutrafoods 1 – 2018 [pdf]
Cosmetic Technology 2 – 2018 (pdf)
L’Integratore Nutrizionale 1 – 2018 (pdf)
Cosmetic Technology 1 – 2018 (pdf)
Optimization of ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of phycocyanin and phenolics from Arthospira platensis var. ‘lonor’ biomass
Characterization and analysis of dhokla with incorporated tomato powder
Determination of steviol glycosides in seven Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) extracts routinely used in the food and confectionary industry
Hair loss in older women: supplement to increase scalp hair thickness and reduce hair loss
Dysglycaemia, diagnosis and treatment
Anti-Helicobacter pylori and anti-gastric cancer activity of Syzygium alternifolium fruits
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Ocimum centraliafricanum, Copper flower, indicatore di giacimenti di rame (5)